I’m cheating on Bob . . . with Chris

I was all about Bob for a lot of years. He was great, I can’t deny it . . . but lately I’ve been straying.  And then this weekend . . . . I did it. I turned my back to Bob and went with Chris. 51ucc-iwhdl

HOLY SHIT. I have had sore muscles like that in a long time. I literally did this 35 minute boot camp level 3 thinking well this isn’t too bad at all, I don’t see 35933prehow this is going to do much . .  . but the next day I could barely move my legs. Have you had one of those work outs where your legs are so sore you need to take an extra few minutes in the bathroom . . . . so you can sit??

Such a sweet faced, soft spoken man that knows how to motivate and get you in the right mindset. Dudes sneaky, you’d never see it coming that he’ll kick your ass. The best part besides actually enjoying the work out . . . . is Jack does it with me. Healthy habits.
Over the weekend, we also went to see the Iron man Outdoor curling. Game on man, these g20170204_102024_resizeduys are hard core . . .and likely a little warm from drinking whiskey ha ha! What a great time though – we’re thinking of entering next year. Before that though, Jack and I had a date at a coffee house. Thom Bargen downtown, we both had a London fog, Jack had a strawberry doughnut and I had a rosemary scone with goat cheese. Quite tasty, quaint 20170204_101909_resized
little place. Jack and I need more dates. He’s going to be 8 in 4 days . . . I still can’t believe it some times.

For those that don’t know, Winnipeg has a river walk trail that is amazing. In the winter, it changes up a little bit . . . the river turns to ice and we have the longest ice skating trail in the world (I think it’s the world, Im too lazy to google it but I’m about 99% sure) If you don’t skate no problem, you can walk down the river and check out the warming huts. They are made every year and placed on the river walk to check out. Great way to spend the day. You’re right at the Forks Market and that alone is worth checking out if you’re ever here.

First week of my 90 days . . . I’ve done pretty well to be honest. I’ve kept with the push ups except for yesterday, cause ya know . . Chris. I’ve done my meditation in the mornings, I’ve fond that’s the best time for me. My alarm goes off, I give myself 15-20 minutes and then get up about my day. So far so good. Not a huge change in my daily mood but a change, can’t quite put my finger on it just yet. I’m still taking photos, you’ll see some of them to the right (instagram is a slight addiction, go ahead and follow) Been kinder to my body . . . might be a few more weeks until I can honestly say I’m treating it the way I should . . but I’m trying. That’s the important part.g1369638954952825892

I’m going to slowly limp upstairs to my room now, how is it that working out makes you feel great the day of and the next day you look like you’re 90 years old?